CC 125: प्रमाणायकर्ता

आजको वार्डबको वाक्यांशमा वार्डबको किस्तामा, हामी क्यानाडाबाट हलिदको साथ एक क्यारियर कन्फ्ल्यूसँग निरीक्षण गर्दछौं। यो पूर्व डायर भक्तहरू ब्यागहरू समाधान गर्न थालिन् जब उनी केवल 12 बर्षको भइसकेका थिए र ब्यागहरूको उल्लेखनीय संग्रहको कारणले। उनको खरीदमा लुइस viston, Choké, dier, साथै अधिक भन्दा बढी पूर्व प्रेम) समावेश गर्दछ

यस कवरक्टर ब्यागहरू भन्दा बढीको साथसाथै खरीदको साथसाथै किन्नका साथै उनी only0 र उनको बिचार गर्ने बानीमा एक सत्य दृश्यमा साझा गर्छिन्। यद्यपि उनीसँग उच्च-अन्तको पछि लाग्ने आखिरमा साँचो उत्साह र उनको खरीद गर्ने बानीहरूसँगै कठिन समय रहेको स्वीकार्छिन्, साथै यो स्वीकारकर्ताले उनको किनमेलमा सम्झौता प्राप्त गरेको छ। अब, उनी राम्ररी राम्ररी गणना गर्छिन्। उनी आफैंलाई एक्लो पार्क राख्नका साथै उनको व्यक्तिगत शैलीको साथ आफूलाई अभिव्यक्त गर्नमा खुशीको साथसाथै एक साइड उत्साह परियोजनाको रूपमा प्रमाणित गर्दछ। पूर्ण सीसी जाँच गरीएको छ, साथै आफ्नै सबमिट गर्न सम्झन असफल भयो!

तपाईंको आफ्नै अपराध साझा गर्नुहोस्!


उमेर: 2 ..
लि gender ्ग पहिचान: महिला
स्थान: मोन्ट्रियल, क्युबेक
पेशा: परामर्शदाता
उद्योग: वित्त
तलब: $ $ 0,000
घरेलु आय: $ 120,000


के तपाईं पर्सफोरम सदस्य हुनुहुन्छ? हुन्छ

तपाईं कसरी धेरै झोलाहरू गर्नुहुन्छ? चिहान 22

Chloés cc 125 को कपाट बाट भिन्टेज डायर काठी

तपाईको संग्रहमा के झोलाहरू छन्?

च्यानल परम्परागत फ्ल्याप 20 बी निलो


Lv मुर्केमी द्रुत कालो

Lv लेक्सिंगटन पहेंलो vernis
LV मल्लरीले pudrer vernis वृद्धि भयो

डायर भिन्टेज काठी सेतो

डायरेज भिन्टेज ट्रिटर ब्याज

डायर एन्थनिकले सेतो बोक्नुहोस्

झोर्ता गोरच कांस्य

डायर नयाँ लक कालो

Cho bereyy ऊँट

Chloé chind गुलाबी तान्यो

दबबेयर क्यान्टरबरी टोट

Ysl sdj चाँदी

2 सोफी हूल ब्यागहरू

र अरू …

तपाईको संग्रहको मूल्य कति छ? लगभग k0k कार्य (म एक ठूलो सम्झौता प्रि-प्रेम खरीद)।

तपाईको धेरै महँगो झोला के हो? मेरो 20B च्यानल सानो परम्परागत फ्ल्याप। मैले उनलाई ठूलो पर्खेर पनि गत वर्ष किनें र साथै धेरै आनन्दित हुन सक्दैन। मेरो कडा फिट, मेरो वार्डरोब, साथै म विश्वास गर्न सक्दिन कि यसले मेरो शैलीलाई मिल्दछ जुन यसको अतिरिक्त हुन्छ।

यद्यपि म दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण छु कि यो भन्दा धेरै बिट फिट हुन्छ, /

Chak Heyley

तपाईंको स in ्ग्रहमा सबैभन्दा आवश्यक ब्रान्ड वा टुक्राहरू के हुन्? हाल एक चलो केटी। मेरो मनपर्ने टुक्रा पक्कै मेरो चोक हेले हो। उनी थोरै एजर्लिनको जस्तो देखिन्छ, तथापि दुईवटा कम्पार्टमेन्टहरू बीचमा एक Zipper बन्दको साथ तेस्रो कम्पार्टमेन्टहरू छन्। उनी एक शानदार पुरानो ग्याल हुन् जसलाई म चाहन्छु, निर्णय बिना वा घटनाको सम्मान बिना।

बाइक सवारी? उनी मसँग छिन्।

ब्रन्च? वास्तवमा कृपया।

मेरो डिग्रीको अन्तिम प्रावधानको हातमा हात राख्न आवश्यक छ? उनी मनमा थिइनन्, जसरी मेरो प्रोजेक्ट भित्र भित्र स्थानमा थियो किनकि म त्यसमा हातमा हालेर हातमा छोडिदिएँ। अन्य ब्रान्डहरूको लागि, म पहिले डायरमा महत्वपूर्ण थिएँ (मारिया ग्राइजिया फ्यान दुर्भाग्यवस)।

तपाईको पहिलो पहिलो डिजाइनर ब्याग, साथै यो के हो? 12 को कोमल उमेर मेरा बाबुआमालाई भनिने मेरो आमाबाबुले मेरो आमाबाबुलाई जोड दियो कि यो एक मात्र विधि हो जुन मेरो साथीहरूको बीचमा फस्टाउँछु, तिनीहरूले बौद्ध मल्टिफर गरे। मैले उसलाई मुश्किल लगाउँदिन, तर उनी अझै एक रत्दै छ जब म अझै प्रत्येक हुन्छ भने।

के त्यहाँ एक विशेष झोला हो जुन तपाईं अर्को खरीद गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ? 100%, म आफैंलाई झुठो छु कि मैले ह्यान्डब्याग शान्तिलाई पनि हिर्काएँ र म अझै पनि प्रति वर्ष एक झोला खरीद गर्न ह्यान्डल गर्छु। म मेरो 30 औं, सेकेन्डको लागि एक महिला डाइरेसलाई खरीद गर्ने आशा गर्दछु।

कुनै विशेष झोला जुन विशेष भावनात्मक मान होल्ड गर्दछ? म भावनात्मक रूपमा मेरो झोला को असंख्य संग जोडिएको, मेरो क्लो अफ पक्का छ। मेरो सेतो काठी, जसलाई बुट गर्न कहानी छ, साथै मेरो मुराकिमी द्रुत द्रुत। म 201 2016 मा लन्डनमा मेरो भाईलाई गएको थिएँ र क्यानाडोरा गाउन बुटक भनिने कन्साइनमेन्ट स्टोर पत्ता लगाएँ। डिजाइनरका सुन्दरता भरिएमा, मैले उनलाई मेरो टाउको माथि माथि झुण्डिँदै गरेको देखें र तुरुन्तै मैले सदाको लागि बुझिरहेको पाएँ। ब्रिटिश पाउन्ड ब्रिटिश पाउन्ड अत्यन्त सस्तो भयो (धन्यवाद ब्रेक्सेटिट) साथै मैले उनलाई 50000 भन्दा कमको लागि दिएको थिएँ।

के तपाइँ तपाइँको झोला परिमार्जन व्यक्तिहरु को लागी व्यक्तिहरु को धारणा को रूप मा वा वास्तवमा कसरी व्यवहार गर्नुहुन्छ? हो। म एक धनी वयस्कको व्यावहारिक रूपमा 100% जस्तो व्यवहार गर्दछु यदि मानिसहरूले मलाई बुझ्दैनन् भने झोला अलि बढी स्पष्ट हुन्छ। त्यस कारणले गर्दा, म काममा मेरो डिजाइनर झोला कहिले पनि लगाउँदिन, कहिले पनि हिड्ने अपील गर्नुहोस् (मैले केहि गरेको देखेको छु)। यद्यपि यसले धेरै राम्रो ग्राहक सेवा प्राप्त गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ जुन उनीहरूले [एउटालाई लगाएका थियौं कि जब म किन्न जान्छु: d।

मेरो Chlaé को सामाजिक सर्कलमा मिश्रित स्वागत छ। विश्वका च्यानल महिलाले यो प्रशिक्षक वा मक झोला हो, साथै ती च्यानलबाट धेरै नसिलिएमा धेरै नक्कलीमा धेरै नक्कलीको प्रयोग गरेर अत्यन्तै नराम्रो व्यवहारका लागि आश्चर्यजनक उपचार गरिएको छ।
म मात्र लगाउँछुmy “louder” bags around extremely close good friends (i.e. the Murakami, the CF, or either one of my Saddles).

Have your bag-carrying practices altered because Covid? Completely. I mainly end up just leaving the home for work or working in a coffee shop, so I wear my totes out 90% of the time. I’ve ended up going out a few times because things have opened up in June/July, so I have had a handful of chances to wear my bags out.


How commonly do you purchase new bags? 2020 as well as 2021: 1/year. Before: 3-5.

Has the Coronavirus pandemic altered your buying practices or general mindset towards luxury? in spite of my profession progression, I purchase A great deal less thanks to the pandemic. The silver lining was that I was able to purchase my CF thanks to my new rhythm. Though, I mainly purchased pre-loved before the pandemic even hit.

My new focus is to keep a tidier as well as much more deliberate collection. I’ve offered great deals of my clothes as well as non-luxury bags since of the pandemic, as well as I try to re-home whatever correctly to ensure that it sees the like it when satisfied when it was with me ?

Which stores do you regular the most? I believe it might be Chanel (you have the best to roll your eyes as I’ve previously made a disparaging comment on women who solely wear Chanel bags).

I don’t purchase much more than one accessory as well as garments product per season, however all my newest accessories have been from Chanel lately.

CC 125’s cherished Chanel Flap

Do you ever purchase second-hand bags? Where do you purchase used? It is a unusual as well as momentous event for me to purchase a bag in-store, like my valuable CF. I purchase off everywhere; Kijiji, eBay, Japanese resellers, Depop, Poshmark, less so consignment stores. I have a knack for authentication as well as likewise authenticate freelance – Dior, Fendi, as well as Chloé bags as a side hustle. As a result, I understand a great deal of authenticators to cross-authenticate pieces I find. If you want something affordable though, try Vinted or going after pre-loved pieces in your own city. You’ll be shocked as to what you can find.

Do you offer old bags to pay for new purchases? Although it isn’t with the intent to pay for new purchases, indeed I do. धेरै। I believe I’ve offered 10 of my bags on locations like Depop, Kijiji, as well as Poshmark. I’ve even offered all my costume jewellery thanks to Kijiji.

Do you ever feel societal pressure to purchase much more bags? At times. particularly with the traditional Flap I felt surmounting pressure to in shape in by purchasing in store. Otherwise, no new bags are beautiful sufficient for me to want to purchase it these days. I spurn anything as well recent as Instagram’s advertising pushes are so tasteless. Unlike bags, I’ve purchased great deals of accessories (sunglasses as well as SLGs).

Do you think about your bag purchases investments? wardrobe investments? हो। though I do offer in CTAs as well as am a master hunter for a great bargain, the bags I purchase are not implied to produce much return other than the complete satisfaction of pulling off a extremely hot outfit.

Who influences your purchasing decisions? The concept of achieving an suitable “Je ne sais quoi” look with a stylish undertone does. new bags aren’t achieving that, instead, they’re dictating a uniform. There’s an artful essence within each one of us that can be expressed with the clothes we wear as well as the accessories we pick, I let mine push me in the road I’m implied to follow…

Are sales partner connections instrumental to your shopping? in spite of being huge on pre-loved bags, I like purchasing my SLGs fresh as well as have a favored SA at a couple stores. I’d likewise like to say thanks to Ryan from Chanel Montreal for assisting me get my very first Chanel bag. He makes notes as well as doesn’t decline any type of job as well little (such as a scarf), as well as I truly appreciate that.

Why do you delight in shopping, beyond just obtaining something new? I utilized to like buying for the rush, as well as still partake in mindless purchases. I utilized to be a huge shopaholic prior to 2018. Now, I like buying since I delight in taking a piece as well as marrying it with my fashion identity. I like to believe about exactly how I’ll wear it, where I’ll wear it, why I’ll wear it, what emotions it may evoke for others when I wear it… When I have an event or a trip to look ahead to, I’ll always believe about what I’m using as well as exactly how I want to interact my character with my garb.

Have you ever felt like you got inferior service at a store or shop because of your appearance, ethnicity or gender? एकपटक मात्र। As a lady of Western Oriental descent I’m part of a mostly despised community, particularly in France & Austria (shock). I was rejected entry at Zara in the altering spaces by a French guy with a disgusting smirk on his face, as well as efficiently told that I wasn’t thetype of clientele that they catered to. Racist jerk.


Who pays for your bags? 2000-2016: A mix of my dad as well as myself (I purchased all my high street bags as well as just a couple designer pieces up up until that point).

2017- now: Me, myself, as well as I.

I was well-loved as well as provided the chance to have gain access to to fashion that women dream of purchasing well into their 20s, 30s, or even later. however I’m semi resolved to never let a guy purchase me a bag again. purchase me food, flowers, food as well as even jewellery if I make you that happy. My bag purchases mark a specific point of pride on my end. I search the web of what I want, speak with women in my community, as well as have an excel sheet on my bag collection needs (and their purchase prices/their present going prices). If somebody purchases me a bag I don’t need, as my bad dad has experienced, the bag can end up going to squander (or in the hands of a dearest cousin/sibling).

Do you set aside a budget plan for your bag purchases? I just approximate to spend around 3k on bags a year (with the big exception of my Chanel). I astutely budget plan for my needs as well as leave a little part for my second-hand bags.

The Taboo Topics

Have you ever bought a counterfeit since you couldn’t pay for a designer item? When I was 14 I saw a pink Burberry inspect bag in an alley in Hawaii lined with white pleather as well as had to have her. I now comprehend the malignant nature of the counterfeit market as well as steer remove from them.

Do you ever hide purchases from your considerable other? I haven’t had the displeasure of such an experience since I don’t enable my connections to drag on.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done to pay for a bag? Skipped meat, a great deal of grocery store essentials, store-bought coffee as well as my last meal of the day for the last two months of grad institution for a Saddle bag. It was 300 CAD though (pre-2018 craze), so a noise wardrobe investment. The costs I bore were a tad extreme.

Do you believe your buying is ever a problem? have you ever felt like you were having a hard time with a buying addiction? In my very first year out of grad institution I had a huge problem. I was definitely not saving sufficient as well as I was costs my money on tons of alcohol, restaurants, traveling, as well as high-end accessories/clothing. I was extremely lost with my direction, working tasks I hated, making good friends that weren’t any type of great for me, as well as not making an effort to figure much of that out because I was so burnt from my Master’s degree. I was adequately able to regroup after a year of mucking about as well as discovered a task that set me in my present profession trajectory.

The rest Of It

Any other costly hobbies or passions? Travelling, shoe shopping, as well as dining out.

Anything else you would like to include? The financial obligation isn’t worth it, fakes are even less worth it. A $500 very fake might have been much better spent on a contemporary designer bag that brings its own appeal to your wardrobe.

Also… always cross-authenticate your second-hand bags, big pre-loved e-luxury sites only understand what they’re doing 30% of the time.

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